

our Mission and Vision

Visit the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference Webpage to learn more.

Seventh Day Baptists, Baptists With a Twist

Our mission and vision as a church is: "Reaching others for Christ and equipping them to do the same"

We desire to see people's lives transformed by the Gospel.  Humanity finds itself separated from God because of sin.  Humans have fallen short of God's laws  and the punishment for sin is death.  God in His mercy and grace, sent His son Jesus to take our place.  Jesus being fully God and fully man was able to live the sinless life that we could not and pay the debt that we could not through His death on the cross.  He was resurrected and calls to humanity to repent, or turn away from their sin, believe in the sufficiency of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection, and He invites us into a restored relationship with God.  

The deepest need of each and every human on this planet is restoration to our God and Creator.  It is learning about the amazing privilege it is to speak, know, and love the Creator.  We believe that the Tri-Cities area can be transformed through the power of God, one person at a time.

Like other Baptists, we believe:

  • In Salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

  • In the Bible as the inspired word of God. The Bible is our authority for our faith and daily conduct.

  • In baptism of believers (by immersion) witnessing to our acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord.

  • In freedom of thought under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  • In the congregational form of church government. Every church member has the right to participate in the decision-making process of the church.

The seventh day:

What makes us unique from other Baptists is our belief in the Sabbath, or more specifically the seventh day Sabbath (which is Saturday).  God commanded that the seventh day (Saturday) be kept holy. Jesus agreed by keeping it as a day of worship. We observe the seventh day of the week (Saturday) as God's Holy Day as an act of loving obedience - not as a means of salvation. Salvation is the free gift of God through Jesus our Lord. It is the joy of the Sabbath that makes  SDBs a people with a difference.